Managing Complex Environments
Casework environments such as insurance claims, housing services, pensions and many more, can present some of the most complex change challenges. In this report we help you identify whether your environment can be thought of as a casework one, what often goes wrong in them and how to fix it.

Improve Performance & Rapidly Achieve your Strategy
This report focuses on implementation rather than analysis and includes examples of real life successes and failures encountered during Vanguard’s 15 years of experience consulting to help turn around ailing businesses and public services.
It also covers how to translate standards from manufacturing into service organisations. Something most businesses traditionally struggle to make a success of.

How to Lead an Organisation… Properly
Based on over a decade’s experience of being called into help turn around ailing businesses, Vanguard Scotland offers advice on leadership models for running our organisations that translate into actions for better work design, the engagement of people and ultimately, results.

Turning Around Failure in Housing Services
In a short series of 3 free reports we challenge the assumptions around how to design and run social housing systems and offer answers on how to run them better and cheaper.

10 Reasons Why Change Programmes Fail
The pitfalls that can sink a change programme are many and varied, but fortunately we have a list to help you avoid them…

Managing a Local Authority Planning System
Why planning isn’t working and what to do about it. A change in planning requires a new system of validation, measurement and policy, as well as distribution and management of work.

Food Safety Performance Improvement Report
From our work in local authority food health and safety inspection systems as both consultants and researchers, Vanguard have found common issues and solutions potentially applicable to many areas of the system.