Vanguard Systems Thinking Interviews
Marshall Goldsmith Interview
Stuart Corrigan of Vanguard Scotland talks to Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, one of the Top Ten Business Thinkers in the World and the top-rated executive coach at the Thinkers50 ceremony in London as well as being a Wall Street Journal and New York Times #1 Bestselling author.
A written transcript of this audio interview is also available to read.

Ryanair Interview
Stuart Corrigan of Vanguard Scotland talks to Brona Kernan, former IT Director of Ryanair, about what drove the stunningly successful growth of the airline to Europe’s number one in what had previously been a famously stoggy market.

‘Getting Things Done’ Interview
Stuart Corrigan of Vanguard Scotland talks to Ed Lamont, founding director of Next-Action Associates in the UK and Germany. Ed is a master trainer for the Getting Things Done method.

BBC Interview with Stuart Corrigan
Stuart Corrigan of Vanguard Scotland takes 5 minutes out to discuss the root causes of rising levels of consumer complaints with Gary Robertson on Good Morning Scotland.

John Seddon on Human Resources
Andy Lippok interviews the founder of the Vanguard Systems Thinking Method, Professor John Seddon, about trends in HR for 2010 and beyond.

Interview with Robin Field
In this short interview Robin Field, ex Chairman and CEO of Filofax explains:
- Why CEO’s should work on only the vital issues in a business
- How to build your strategy from the customer backwards
- The 3 most important activities when taking over as a new manager
- The exact strategy he used to turn around Filofax (you’ll kick yourself when you hear it, it’s so simple)
- What goes wrong in the handover of a business that involves family members
- How being lazy is a great attribute for running a business and running your life. Yep, less work with more success!
I believe that this is an interview you’ll want to keep and play at your next team meeting.

Interview with John Seddon
John explains systems thinking and provides tactics for those who want to embark on the transformation of their organisation to one that provides better service at much lower costs.

Interview with Ron Skea
Ron Skea, noted change expert explains why, in his opinion, the published theories of change, especially in organisations, are wrong.